As part of the budget management process, WPI has configured the Workday Budget Check process for operating funds (110-FD) and projects. Expense reports, supplier invoices, requisitions, internal service deliveries, spend authorizations, accounting journals, accounting adjustments, and change orders that use operating funds or a project worktag, will all go through budget checking.

If adequate funding is available, the transaction then passes the budget check and continues to follow the business process workflow for approval. If funds are insufficient to support the transaction, the initiator, or Department Buyer (for Supplier Invoices) will receive a Review Budget Check step in My Tasks (formerly Inbox) in Workday. When a transaction fails budget check the transaction initiator has three options, in preferred order:

  1. Create a budget amendment to move operating budget from another cost center OR
  2. Change the worktags on the transaction to a designated, gift or grant fund with balance available OR
  3. Request a budget override which routes to the FP&A Office for review

Budget amendments between cost centers can be made at any time, preferably prior to a budget failure.

The Workday Budget Check process is an automated approach to prevent overspending of funds and supports WPI’s goal to increase budget accountability. Feel free to contact with any questions.

  • Operating Budget Check

    Workday will automatically check the aggregate non-salary available expense balance of the cost center used on the transaction and allow transactions to flow to the next step of approval if it is within budget limits. This will help prevent overspending on cost center budgets.

    The available budget reflects a reduction for purchase obligations and fiscal year-to-date expenditures. Salaries and wages must be monitored by cost center managers separately, as they are excluded from the automated budget check process.

    Report Operating Budget for Budget Check (Org) shows the current available balance used in the budget checking process. The balance reflects a reduction for purchase obligations and fiscal year-to-date expenditures. Salaries and wages are excluded.

  • Project Budget Check

    Workday will automatically check the aggregate available expense balance of the project used on the transaction and allow transactions to flow to the next step of approval if it is within budget limits. This will help prevent overspending on projects.

    The available budget reflects a reduction for purchase obligations and life-to-date expenditures against the project worktag.

    Report Capital Project Budget vs Actual LTD with all Ledgers (Org) – CR shows the current available balance used in the budget checking process. The balance reflects a reduction for purchase obligations and life-to-date expenditures

  • Supplier Invoice Request Process Change

    Important process change for Supplier Invoice Requests: Upon Department Buyer approval, a pop up box will appear. Click Review to continue. Do not make any additional changes and click Submit. The supplier invoice will go through the budget check and then continue through the approval process based on worktags and value.