An African American woman is smiling at the camera and her hair is in tiny braids. The background is gray with several Photoshop flourishes.
Language Note:
Some sources for this profile use person-first language (i.e. woman with autism), however there are many autistic advocates who prefer identity-first language (i.e. autistic woman). To learn more, please click ASAN Identity-First Language in the Actions menu.

Adrienne Rutledge is an autistic woman, who began her STEM career by earning her master's degree in biology. After graduation, she held an assortment of jobs where she learned programming and data processing. 

Upon completing a boot camp program, she was personally invited by an Ernst & Young employee to apply to one of EY's Neurodiversity Centers of Excellence (NCoE).

EY has created an environment that enables Ms. Rutledge to reach her fullest potential in her career. One example is her NCoE team was assigned to rebuild a computer system. This task normally takes a few months, but the NCoE leveraged the strengths of its neurodiverse team and they were able to rebuild the system in a few days without interrupting user access to it.

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