A Black man wearing glasses, ear buds, and a red, striped polo shirt working at the computer.
Language Note:
Some sources for this profile use person-first language (i.e. man with autism), however there are many autistic advocates who prefer identity-first language (i.e. autistic man). To learn more, please click ASAN Identity-First Language in the Actions menu.  

Leon Campbell is an autistic man who works for Daivergent, a startup company where his neurodivergent brain is considered to be an asset. He began his career as an intern at Daivergent while working on his bachelor's degree in computer science at Hunter College in New York City. He later transitioned into a paid job as a data specialist. He has since worked his way up to Quality Assurance Specialist, where he trains and supervises Daivergent's contract workers.

Interview with Daivergent's Founder, Bryan Dai:

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