Available April 1, 2024
The Windows 11 operating system will be available in Software Center for self-service upgrade to WPI ITS-managed computers beginning April 1, 2024.


  • While not required, ITS recommends backing up critical data to OneDrive.

    Note: The Win 11 upgrade doesn't delete files and only updates the operating system. 

  • Software:
    • Self-installed: ensure that it is compatible with Windows 11 and the re-install source is available.
    • ITS-managed: it should be available in Windows 11 and can be reinstalled using Software Center if needed.
  • Connection to the WPI network via on-campus wired, WPI-Wireless, or GlobalProtect VPN
  • Allow up to 4 hours where the computer will be unused
Computers Attached to Instrumentation
These devices are not eligible for self-service upgrade to Windows 11. Please consult with ITS. 

Before You Begin

Remote: Log into the GlobalProtect VPN. See Related Items for instructions.

On-campus: Connect your device to the WPI network, wired or WPI-Wireless.

The upgrade usually takes between 1-4  hours to complete, during which time the computer cannot be used.


Update to Windows 11

1. Click the Windows start menu. Type Software Center into the search bar. Click Open.  

Screenshot of the Windows 10 start menu. Yellow boxes are around the start icon and search bar, Software Center, and Open.


2. For Operating Systems, choose Windows 11. Then click Install.

Screenshot of Software Center. Red boxes are around Operating Systems and Windows 11.


3. The computer will begin installing the Windows 11 operating system upgrade. This process can take up 2 hours to complete, so it is recommended start this at the end of your work shift to complete while the computer is unneeded

4. Computer restart is required, and should happen automatically after upgrade is complete.


If Software Center doesn't launch, or you have issues or questions about updating to the Windows 11 operating system, please contact the WPI IT Service Desk.

  • Windows 10 vs Windows 11

    Below are some examples of slight differences between Windows 11 and Windows 10.

    Power Button

    To access the power button in Windows 11, click the start menu icon and look a few inches to the right.

    Screenshot comparing the location of the power button in Windows 10 versus Windows 11.



    Settings has taken on most of the options previously accessed through Control Panel.

    The Control Panel is still accessible but most options will open up in Settings by default.

    Windows 10 Control Panel and Settings

    Note the categories appear first.

    Screenshot of the Windows 10 control panel

    Windows 11 Settings

    The categories are now in a menu on the left. After clicking a category, its options are displayed.

    Screenshot of Windows 11 Settings

    Task Manager

    Task manager is redesigned. Some improvements include easy searching for Processes.

    The Windows 10 Task Manager is on the left and the Windows 11 Task Manager is on the right.

    In the Windows 11 Task Manager a quick shortcut to Settings was added to the bottom left corner.

    Screenshot with a red box around the Settings button.

    Bluetooth and Other Settings

    Windows 10

    In Windows 10 it looks like this:

    Screenshot of Windows 10 feature toggles


    Quick Settings Pane in Windows 11

    The WiFi and Bluetooth buttons are split into the icon on the left and an arrow to open it for more details.

    Screenshot of the quick settings pane in Windows 11

    Taskbar Alignment

    The taskbar is now in the middle. If preferred, it can be moved to the right as follows:

    1. Click the Start icon and type Settings in the search bar.
    2. Click Personalization, scroll down the list, then choose Taskbar.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Taskbar Behaviors.
    4. For Taskbar alignment, the choices are Center or Left.
    Screenshot of the Taskbar settings with a red box around where to chose Center or Left alignment.


    Taskbar Overflow

    Taskbar overflow icon has changed. It appears when the taskbar is full.

    In Windows 10 taskbar overflow would be cycled through by select up/down arrows at the end of the row of taskbar icons.

    In Windows 11, taskbar overflow is accessed by selecting the three dots at the end of the row.

    Screenshots comparing the Windows 10 versus Windows 11 overflow icons.