
  • Active WPI Account
  • Connected to VPN using GlobalProtect if off-campus.
  • R: drive mapped to \\\HOME\My_Documents
  • Must be a local administrator to install. 


WPI public computer lab workstations are configured to look to your R drive for a SAS autoexec file.

If you need to modify a personal installation of SAS to look to your R drive for a SAS autoexec file, navigate to:

  • \\\software\SAS\
  • Right click on ReplaceSASv9cfg.lnk and choose Run as Administrator

SAS libraries and data files for coursework are located here:

  • \\\academics\courses\MA\SAS-Data

To update your SAS environment to reference the storage network drive, navigate to:

  • \\\academics\courses\MA\SAS-Data\
  • Double-click the SASconfig011218.bat file