Students use eProjects to edit IQP, MQP, and HUA project details, submit Completion of Degree Requirement (CDR), and upload project evaluations, and upload files for preservation. Advisors approve project CDRs using eProjects.

Please note that for HUA each student in a project submits one CDR individually.  
  • Submission Process Overview

    The IQP, MQP and HUA CDR submission process for both on-campus and project center-based projects:

    1. Project advisors and students can open the submission process for a project in the term that the project is expected to be completed.
    2. Students will enter their project details and upload reports and associated files, and will also complete project evaluations during this step.
    3. Once the project students have entered all required project details and all student evaluations have been completed, then any of the students may submit the project to their advisor for approval.
    4. The advisors will be notified via email and may review the project submission and give grades to students. Once ready, the advisor is able to send the information directly to the Registrar’s Office. If there are issues with the student submission, the advisor may optionally send the project back to the students for modification
    5. The Registrar’s Office will receive the submission and review. They either approve the submission (and record student grades and CDR status), or they can send the project back to advisors if it needs modification or clarification.
    6. Finally, once the Registrar’s Office has completed their review, the project submission information will be sent to the Library to be archived.  HUA NOTE: At this time eProjects is only for CDR submission.
  • Starting an IQP/MQP CDR Submission - Students

    1. Login to eProjects. On your dashboard, click on your project.
    2. Click the Submissions tab.
    3. Click the Start a New Submission button. 
    4. Select the term in which to begin the submission and click Start Submission (occasionally submission deadlines overlap, so choosing which term you’re submitted for may be necessary).
    5. Select the students participating in the eCDR submission.
      • All students will be selected by default.
      • HUA Note: Because each student submits individually,  the student selection choice does not appear.
      • Occasionally students may need to submit CDRs in different terms for the same project (e.g. if a student is graduating early), so students are allowed to be deselected if they are not submitting their CDR. Check with your project group to determine who will be submitting their CDR and who will not.
      • Note: if there are ineligible students or the students are not registered for the appropriate terms, they may not be selectable. Issues with student registrations must be fixed through the Registrar’s office before submission can occur.
    6. Click Open Submission to allow all students to begin entering information. Upon opening submission, the participating students will be notified via email that they can begin entering their details and uploading a report.  
    eProjects Submission Process Screens
  • Starting an HUA CDR Submission - Students

    1. Navigate to your HUA project within eProjects.
    2. Click the Submission tab.
    3. Click the Start a New Submission button.*
    4. Select the academic term you are submitting for and click the Start Submission for the Selected Term button.
    5. Click the Open Submission button.
    6. Click the Edit Project Details button.
    7. Enter your title and abstract.
    8. Enter your transcript title and transcript abstract. (These are usually the same as your title and abstract, but can be different if you prefer or have an abstract over 800 characters.)
    9. Click the Submit for Approval button. This will send an email notification to your advisor, alerting them that your project submission ready for review and grading. Please note: once you submit for approval, you won’t be able to make any changes to your project submission unless your advisor specifically reverts it back to the Student Input and Evaluations stage.
    *Open Submission
    If you have an open submission that’s unfinished, you must return to complete it.  To do so, go to the Submission tab, click the submission with your name on it, and proceed with steps 6 through 9.  You must ultimately click the Submit for Approval button or your eCDR won’t be eligible for grading.
  • Starting an IQP/MQP/HUA CDR Submission - Advisors

    Optionally, advisors may open the submission process on behalf of their students.

    1. Login to eProjects. On your dashboard click on your project.
    2. Click the Submissions tab. 
    3. Click the Start a New Submission button. 
    4. Select the term in which to begin the submission and click Start Submission (occasionally submission deadlines overlap, so choosing which term you’re submitted for may be necessary). 
    5. Select the students participating in the eCDR submission. 
      • All students will be selected by default.
      • HUA Note: Because each student submits individually,  the student selection choice does not appear.  
      • Occasionally students may need to submit CDRs in different terms for the same project (e.g. if a student is graduating early).
      • Note: if there are ineligible students or the students are not registered for the appropriate terms, they may not be selectable. Issues with student registrations must be fixed through the Registrar’s office before submission can occur. 
    6. Click Open Submission to allow students to begin entering their information. Upon opening submission, the participating students will be notified via email that they can begin entering their details and uploading a report.    
    Project Submission Screens
  • Approving and Grading a Project CDR Submission - Advisors

    For: MQP/IQP Advisors

    Prerequisite: An existing project in eProjects with student members that have been registered for the appropriate terms and have begun the submission of their project.

    1. Once students have uploaded their final project details into eProjects and they have completed their evaluations, advisors of the project will receive an email inviting them to grade and approve the project.
    2. Access the project using the  link in the email you were sent, or login to eProjects and on your dashboard click on the submission.
    3. For each student:
      • Enter the Final grade.
      • Choose the appropriate Grade Option.
      • Enter the PQP grade (if applicable).
      • Choose the Capstone Satisfied option (if applicable).
      • Choose if credit will be awarded or not for each term. You may not award less than 9 project credits.
      • These grades are saved automatically without the need to press a save button.
    4. Once you’ve reviewed the project and entered grades, you may:
      • Approve the project by clicking the Approve button to send the project to the Registrar
      • If there are problems with the project details that you’d like students to modify, click the Send Back to Students button. Students will be notified via email, and they will be able to edit the project submission again before sending it back to advisors.
    Final MQP/IQP Grade and Grade Option Screen

    Note: For HUA grading there is no credit drop down or credit awarded dropdown.

    HUA Grading Screen in eProjects 2.0
    eProjects Submission Approval Screens