
Unfortunately, due to changes in our license agreement with GraphPad, the software can no longer be widely activated on personal computers. ITS will install and activate GraphPad on WPI-provisioned computers. Effective March 3, 2023, the GraphPad license will expire on personal computers. The current license will also expire on IT-managed computers, and  will be reactivated on IT-managed computers and lab machines by request to insure that it is available where needed.

Action Needed

Please see details below to request the new GraphPad license.


If there is a specific lab or on-campus ITS-managed computer where you would find it valuable to have GraphPad available, please use Request Help to provide IT with the hostname of the machine or room number of the computer lab. We will do our best to accommodate your request and will follow up with the public locations and/or terminal servers where the software is available.

Students requiring GraphPad on a personal computer will need their faculty or department head to submit the approval and request to IT.