
In preparation for the Unified Communications transition to Zoom phone, all IT-managed WPI computers need the Zoom desktop client. 


Windows computers managed by IT that do not already have Zoom desktop client installed will receive the application the next time they connect on campus or through the VPN. It will also be available in Software Center for installation and configured to update when the Zoom vendor makes them available. Following the installation, popup prompts may appear for updates.  (IT-managed Macs are not impacted as Zoom is already installed on them.)


This installation ensures that the latest desktop version is available on IT-managed WPI computers, and newly imaged computers, as we transition to Zoom phone. For employees who may have only used the Zoom web client for meetings, their computer will now be ready to make and receive calls on Zoom phone with the desktop client.

Action Needed

If prompts appear for updates, please ensure the updates are completed as they contain security and feature enhancements. If you choose to install Zoom on a personal device, instructions are in the Related Article. Also, please ensure it is updated regularly.