Signing in to Office 365 with your WPI username and password enables licensing of all Office 365 applications on that computer for you for up to thirty days.
Attempting to open a Microsoft 365 application, such as PowerPoint, without signing in results in a prompt for more information: Enter your product key.
Action Needed
To be licensed to use all Office 365 applications on a podium computer for up to thirty days and to avoid the product key prompt, do not click "I don't want to sign in". Follow the steps in Details.
- Allow 2-3 minutes prior to class or meeting start time to login
- Sign in to podium computer using WPI username and password
- Office 365 sign-in prompt Open an Office 365 application and at Sign in to set up Office enter WPI email address and password
- For Use this account everywhere on your device choose this app only for the single application you wish to access now or Yes to access all Office 365 applications
- Within 1-2 minutes Office applications can be opened
These step need to be repeated once every thirty days to maintain access to Office 365 on that computer.