
The new macOS 14.0 Sonoma was released Sept. 26, 2023 by Apple. WPI Information Technology (IT) is testing for WPI software and network incompatibilities.


IT recommends not upgrading to the full operating system Sonoma at this time, until we have fully tested. IT-managed Mac upgrades will be deferred for up to 90 days pending further investigation.


Issues IT is researching include, but are not limited to:

  • Required GlobalProtect VPN version
  • Joining WPI wifi

Additional updates and instructions will be provided as they become available.

December 19, 2023 Update:

Sonoma OS: As of December 30, 2023, the 90-day deferred upgrade period ends, and WPI ITS-managed Systems will display a prompt to upgrade. ITS recommends waiting until after January 9, 2024 to upgrade to Sonoma if VPN usage is required. Additionally, new personally-acquired Macs will likely be running the Sonoma OS.

GlobalProtect VPN: The current version of the GlobalProtect VPN does not work with Sonoma OS. A full VPN update is planned for January 9, 2024, at which time WPI ITS-managed Macs will be updated. If individuals wish to update the VPN on their personally-owned or WPI ITS-managed Macs prior to that, the new VPN version will be made available by December 30 through Actions.