
Publicly shared Zoom links attract and allow disruptors to join your meetings. Enabling appropriate Zoom settings protects your sessions from offensive and embarrassing intrusions by uninvited guests, and helps you provide a positive meeting environment for attendees.  


Zoom meetings have become an integral mode of working together, but hackers and trolls continue finding new ways to hinder that experience. They use public links and screen sharing features to blast other viewers with unpleasant content.

Action Needed

Details and instructions to enable security options and additional settings are available in  the linked article: SECURE YOUR ZOOM MEETING. Additionally, Zoom meeting links and IDs should not be shared publicly. 


WPI ITS strongly recommends setting at least one of these security options for Zoom meetings: passcode, waiting room, require authentication

  • Internal meetings with only @WPI.edu attendees are best protected by the "Require Authentication" option when scheduling from the Zoom web portal. This will prevent anyone not logged in to a WPI IT service from accessing your meeting. 
  • A meeting passcode and waiting room can be enabled when scheduling a meeting from the Zoom Client, Outlook plugin or from the Zoom web portal. Passcodes should not be shared on open webpages. 

Changes to Zoom security options will not get applied to existing meetings where no security options were in place. Please add security to existing and recurring meeting instances.