This is part of a strategic initiative to expand Canvas usage for professional development program content.
There is a new landing page for canvas.wpi.edu and wpi.instructure.com. Login will no longer go directly to Microsoft Azure SSO. (There is NO Canvas downtime during the landing page implementation.)
This is part of a strategic initiative to be able to offer professional development program content in Canvas to non-matriculated, non-WPI users. Graduate Studies is piloting the roll-out during FY21. In FY22, we anticipate other departments will be able to offer subscription-based professional development content.
Currently, anyone visiting canvas.wpi.edu is brought to the Azure SSO login page. In order to launch this new Canvas functionality, a “discovery page” is needed in order to direct both non-WPI.edu users and @WPI.edu users to the appropriate Canvas login. This will require an additional click for @WPI.edu users to login.