
"Talk Like a Pirate Day" is a great reminder to consider the dangers of using pirated media.


You can talk like a pirate…

INTRO robot pirate head

You can walk like a pirate…

INTRO robot pirate legs

But DON’T actually PIRATE!

INTRO robot pirate

Even modern swashbucklers just don’t get booty for free! That textbook or movie available at little or no cost is very likely illegal, pirated content. Those free software downloads returned in your web search often come with buried treasure – malware. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Downloads published by the creator with full copyright are your safest option. IT-supported software for WPI can be safely downloaded using links in the Software Library at hub.wpi.edu. 

Adventure on for more information about the dangers of pirated media and software in resources linked through Actions and our new Related Article, Free Rarely Means Free.