
Regular updates are made to maintain the security and functionality of WPI-owned computers. 


Computers should remain powered on and will likely reboot during the process. Conference room computers that are powered on will receive the updates and automatically reboot, leaving them in a ready state for meetings. For computers that are powered off or disconnected from the WPI network, anticipate the maintenance to run once the machine powers on and connects to the WPI network. The machine will update then reboot when the patches have completed.

Action Needed

Patching these vulnerabilities on IT-managed and personal devices is critical to preventing the machine from being hacked.


For individuals working remotely and connected to the WPI network (likely via the VPN or RAP), please keep the computer powered on to receive the patches overnight. While the updates will become available during the maintenance hours listed, they may not complete during this time. Depending upon your connection; downloads could span a longer time until they are complete.

For IT-managed WPI-Owned Computers on campus, they remain powered on and will receive updates.

IT recommends that everyone prepare for the updates as follows:

  • Save all your work and close all programs.
  • Leave the computer powered on and connected to the WPI Network.

Please anticipate that computers will restart after the update is complete.

For computers not managed by IT, including personal devices, please ensure that you perform the latest operating system updates.