
Wondering whether to use Teams, Zoom or Canvas? IT offers office hours and resources to help you find the features that best fit your collaboration need.

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You are welcome to attend Office Hours with IT Staff to see demonstrations of features and ask questions. Calendars are linked in Actions. Consult our new Collaboration Tool Comparison article, linked in Related Items.


Here are some common questions we are receiving about collaboration tools:

1. How do I know which collaboration tool to use?

Whichever best suits your need, IT is here to support your use of Teams, Zoom and Canvas. We offer an overview comparison of the features available in our new Collaboration Tool Comparison article, linked in Related Items.

2. Is Teams replacing one of WPI's other collaboration tools?

Teams is one of several collaboration tools supported by WPI IT. We also support Zoom and Canvas. Teams chat function will only replace Skype for Business, which Microsoft is retiring in July, 2021.

The newest collaboration tool supported by Information Technology, Teams is available on varied devices through the desktop app or web app. It enables members to chat, meet, share files, share apps and more - all in one location!

3.  How do I find out more about features?


  • Within the Teams App Help -> What's New offers updates from Microsoft. New capabilities are added regularly.
  • Teams Office Hours with IT staff are linked in Actions; reserve a time to review features and ask questions.
  • Quick tips for Teams features are also listed in our Microsoft Teams Tips article, linked in Related Items. Here is a sample:  
View More Attendees

Large gallery view lets you see up to 49 video streams at once. This view is available when there are 10 or more attendees who are sharing video. To switch to large gallery, go to More options (…) in the meeting controls > Large gallery.  

Screen Capture of Teams Large Gallery view with numerous attendees visible in auditorium seats.


  • WPI Zoom Resources are linked in Actions. Here you will find videos, printable guides, and WPI-specific details.
  • Live Training Webinars are offered by Zoom support. They are linked in Actions, as well as in WPI Zoom Resources.


  • WPI Canvas Resources are linked in Actions. This blog offers updates and tips, workshops - both recorded and upcoming live events, quick-reference guides, as well as support specific to faculty and students.
  • "Coffee & Canvas" Office Hours are available, too! The calendar is linked in Actions.