To resolve an issue, immediate work is required.
A short outage of systems that use CBORD is likely. This will affect all point of sale locations that take Goatbucks (Dining, vending, laundry, etc).
Point of Sale locations likely to experience service disruption.
To resolve an issue, immediate work is required.
A short outage of systems that use CBORD is likely. This will affect all point of sale locations that take Goatbucks (Dining, vending, laundry, etc).
4/14/2021 12:45pm
Laundry services take longer to come back online; all should be available no later than 12:45 PM.
4/14/2021 11:45am
The work is complete and most systems are back online.
4/14/2021 11:30am
CBORD issue is identified and work is being performed.