Information Security has identified this phishing scam being sent to WPI.edu email addresses.
The message contains a malicious attachment. Do not open the attachment and do not click on any links within the email.
Action Needed
Please review the details below. WPI community members who receive this scam email should not open the attachment in the email, but they can report it to phishing@wpi.edu.
Phishing Message Details:
The suspect email message:
- Appears to be from Helpdesk, but is actually not from a WPI.edu email address.
- Contains [EXT] at the start of the subject line, indicating this message was sent from an external address.
- Uses this subject: “High disk usage /Computer is running slowly/ requested by Admin, Please see attached.”
- Contains an attachment titled "56765432345678997421643.html" with a link to a malicious phishing site.
- Body is poorly worded with no punctuation.
- Requests the recipient open the attachment, which is a trick to get you to open a malicious file.
Take Action:
WPI community members who receive this scam email:
- Should not open the attachment or click on any links in the email.
- Report it to