Regular maintenance is being performed by IT and vendors.
Server maintenance and Windows updates are planned by Information Technology. Vendors are also performing updates. Some services may be unavailable.
Action Needed
Please plan accordingly for work impacted by the maintenance detailed below.
Salesforce Maintenance 2/12 2-2:05 AM [COMPLETED]
Salesforce will experience a brief downtime while the vendor performs the Spring '22 Major Release.
WPI Hub Maintenance 2/15 5:15-5:30 AM [COMPLETED]
Hub.wpi.edu will be unavailable during the maintenance.
CAS Configuration 2/15 5:15-7:00 AM [COMPLETED]
Configure CAS to use only Active Directory (AD) for authentication; remove dependency on OpenLDAP.
Windows Monthly Critical Security Updates 2/15 10 PM - 2/16 5 AM [COMPLETED]
Details in Security Patch Releases Related Article.
Workday Maintenance 2/19 2:00 AM - 2:00 PM [COMPLETED]
Workday will be unavailable while the vendor performs regular quarterly maintenance.
85 Prescott Street Server Reboot 2/21 9:00 PM - 2/22 12:00 AM [COMPLETED]
Network connectivity will be lost when the server for 85 Prescott Street is rebooted.