Knowledge Base

Similar to the Service Catalog, there is a database specifically for searching Articles. Articles are the most useful content for self-help and taking care of your own technology needs. The Hub hosts the following types of articles:

  • How-To: General instructions to complete an IT-related task
  • Informational: Supporting information for a Component or additional information for requesting services
  • Standards and Policies: Documented and approved policies

Articles are linked to Services and Components in the Related Articles area. They are also very commonly linked as Actions to other Articles and News. 

Navigate the Knowledge Base

Search the Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is divided into a few sections to help make searching easier and quicker.


The top section of the Knowledge Base is labeled Categories. These are in fact links to Services or Components. Based upon Hub usage, we update the Categories to the most commonly searched and viewed Components/Services. 

Featured Articles

Similar to the Categories, Featured Articles displays those that our analytics tell us are the most commonly accessed. We will also update this section when we implement new Services so the supporting content is more visible!

Recently Updated / New Articles

We've added functionality that shows you exactly what WPI is working on! This section shows you the most recently updated articles, based on Last Modified Date/Time, and the newest articles, based on Created Date/Time.

Find A Knowledge Article

Use this Search field to look for any article in the Hub!

Knowledge Articles

Knowledge Articles are the most valuable resource for self-service. This content tells you exactly what you need to get or have to do to request a service. 


The feature we are most excited to share is that Article details can be viewed on two tabs: Main Article and Advanced.

Article Tabs: Main Article and Advanced

Main Article vs. Advanced

IT generally creates content using the 80/20 rule, where the content is targeted to the 80% of users that generic or common instructions will work for.

The common instructions are found in the Main Article tab. This is the "meat" of the content, and serves approximately 80% of needs. We recommend starting with these instructions.

If the instructions in the Main Article aren't working for your situation, check out the Advanced tab. Here additional information can be found to support situations in the other 20%, such as special configurations or minor differences in devices or operating system families.


As mentioned above, IT highly recommends checking out the Actions on every Article. Our instructions will reference the Action Titles, noting links to open to complete the task.

Featured Content

One other place to find important articles or information is the Featured Content on the home page of the ITS WApp.

IT will update the content featured on the home page throughout the year. As we approach different parts of the year, we like to highlight specific resources or articles. Be sure to check out the updates we make over the next couple of days - we love to prepare our users for the holidays!

Featured Content Articles