If your work involves human subjects through interviews, surveys or focus groups AND you are applying for exemption from WPI IRB review, please complete a summary sheet as per the following guidance.

Prior to filling out your request, be sure to review the following:

IRB Exempt Categories
IRB Guidelines

Include the following information in your Summary Sheet:

  • Heading "IRB Summary Sheet"
  • Project Title & Date
  • Mission Statement and Objectives
  • Brief Methods Listing:

Examples of Method Listings:

  • Survey of public to ascertain knowledge and opinions about climate change.
  • Interviews of professionals working on climate change regarding effective city climate change program.
  • Notes on IRB Application (keyed to application numbering system)

For each numbered item that might raise an IRB concern:

  • State the potential risk to human subjects
  • State why the risk is warranted
  • State how you will eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level
  • Attach your draft methodology chapter
  • Attach a set of sample questions for anticipated interviews, surveys, or focus groups.