An Information Security publication for the WPI community.

What is WPI's Human Firewall?

When WPI's community members follow best practices to prevent and report suspicious activity and security breaches, they contribute to protecting WPI's data and network. The stronger the participation the stronger the human firewall, the people improving security.

Cyberattacks blocked by WPI IT

Combining this with the technology-based firewall that IT employs yields a safer computing environment for the whole community. 

Cyber Awareness Tips to Join WPI's Human Firewall

Legimate Email?

These are the kinds of email messages that are not legitmate. You would never be contacted through email by:

  • WPI IT to verify your password.
  • WPI supervisors to buy gift cards, scratch off the back, and send pictures of the card number and PIN.
  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for payment in iTunes gift cards.
  • Office365 for payment, exceeding quota, or quarantined email warnings.

If you receive an email that seems out of the ordinary for that sender do not reply with personal information such as your password or social security number, and contact them by a different method.

  • Speak with your supervisor in person or via telephone.
  • Contact banks and other agencies using information from a different source, such as a phone number printed on your bank card.

Avoid Tax Season Scams

The Federal Trade Commission has various materials to promote tax identity theft awareness. Their infographic linked below explains how IRS imposters try to trick you.

IRS Imposter Scams Infographic

Tip: Test Your Phishing Recognition

Try this free online quiz from Google to find out how cyber criminals try to hook you.

Email a screenshot of results with the subject "Phishing Quiz" and get a mention on!

Google Phishing Quiz