WPI has transitioned all operations out of Banner and into other systems of record (e.g., Workday, PowerFAIDS, Salesforce).
Access to the Banner database will no longer be available as of 02/28/2023. Banner legacy data required for records retention, compliance, and reporting purposes are moving to other systems of record and to AWS Redshift.
Benefits include cost savings from annual Banner and Oracle licenses and support agreements. Banner legacy data is preserved and archived for future access.
Action Needed
Department leads are working with IT to transition legacy data from Banner to other systems of record for future access.
- Banner 9 Administrative pages retired.
- Banner Web retired.
- Banner database security changed to Read Only.
- Banner historical data moved to other systems:
- Finance 8 years legacy data and Employee Verification data moved to Workday Prism
- Banner Historical Transcripts and Final Compliance Runs moved to SharePoint
- Banner Historical Class Climate data moved to Network Share
- Banner Custom Objects moved to Redshift
- Banner Financial Aid ODS data moved to Redshift
In progress
- Archiving of Banner ODS data in Redshift
By 02/28/2023
Access to the Banner database is no longer available. All Banner historical data preserved and archived in Redshift and other systems of record.
By 5/31/2023
Banner infrastructure is decommissioned.