Technology Orientation
New Employees are encouraged to attend New Employee Technology Orientation at the start of your employment, provided by Information Technology (IT). This is often scheduled through the Division of Talent & Inclusion - Human Resources or the hiring department. New Employees are also welcome to contact the IT Service Desk to schedule. During the session IT staff assist with testing access to storage and applications, and provide an introduction to IT Services.
Technology OrientationGet Connected
Account Access
View instructions for claiming and accessing your account, setting your password, and the policy that governs usage.
First Time LoginConnect Devices On Campus
Devices provided by ITS are already configured for use on the WPI network. Personal devices must be registered to the WPI network, and certificates installed for proper access.
Network Device InstructionsWorking from Off Campus
All WPI academic and business systems and resources are available for use while off campus. Use of the VPN is required for many resources. Additional tools for remote communication and collaboration are provided.
Staff Work From Off CampusCampus Communication
Desk Phone
Campus telephone extensions are managed by ITS. New extensions can be requested for new employees.
Desk PhonesWPI Alerts
Register for WPI's emergency communication system seven days after start date to ensure the system recognizes your WPI information.
Setup WPI AlertsCampus Resources
The intranet is a central location for the WPI community to access Information Technology resources, as well as other internal information, applications, forms, news, and more!
Navigating the WPI HubWPI Applications
Systems most commonly used by faculty and staff have Apps available for "download" to your My ITS page.
App MarketplaceWorkday
All aspects of employment, payroll, financial and student data are managed through Workday. You may have additional Workday onboarding tasks to perform.
Workday LoginWorkday ResourcesOffice 365 and Email
WPI has a subscription to the Office 365 Application suite. All Office applications, including email, are available online. Collaborate simultaneously, or work on shared documents anywhere you have network connection.
Microsoft Office PortalSecure Computing
Information Security provides you with resources and guidelines to protect your WPI account and data.
Information Security IntroductionSoftware Resources
Software Library
Productivity software is already installed on devices WPI provides for employees. Academic software can also be installed on machines.
WPI Software LibrarySoftware Center
There are many applications available for self-installation at your convenience through Software Center! Contact ITS if applications are not available for self-install.
Software DistributionTerminal Server
Using your preferred remote desktop program, the terminal server offers access to many software applications without the need to install them. WPI has Windows and Linux resources available for use!
Remote Access and Terminal Services